Product Details
Reissue- logo is now shiny gold
For Fans of: LACK OF INTEREST, TO THE POINT, FETUS EATERS, SPAZZ, DESPISE YOU, YOUTH OF TODAY, CYBORG STILL carries its name well, as the music and lyrics are simply relentless. Some of the tracks on here, such as the starting track "Sickened No More”, as well as "S.C.A.B.” show just intense this band can be, and seems to show some inspiration from other Hardcore acts that include Grindcore, such as NAPALM DEATH . However, the band doesn’t stray too far from their roots, as there is plenty of two-stepping, as well as breakdowns that actually work well with the music, not to mention all the de-tuned sludge inspired venom that spills forth from instruments, but the over all power put forth into the delivery will have you... as on the last record, ready to start panting babies....only this time, they’ll till be in the womb.
If you like intensity with your Hardcore, then make sure to add STILL by WEEKEND NACHOS to your collection. Each track on here is pulverizing, working perfectly with music that goes back to the roots of Hardcore, as well as Grindcore and Doom elements to add to the sheer brutality of the music. STILL will grab you by the throat with it’s teeth and shake you wildly as it attacks with punishing blow after blow.
WEEKND NACHOS is all about their catchiness, their awesome groove parts, and their harsh vocals. There’s no arguing with their unique blend of powerviolence, grindcore, and hardcore.