Use LOVEGUN during checkout for 10% Off All Non-Music Purchases 
(excludes custom pin orders & gift certificates (CODE CANNOT BE APPLIED AFTER AN ORDER HAS BEEN PLACED)
Our retail store is in the same building as our mail order operation.

 We do not have the space to display absolutely everything that's on the website, but everything is available.  You can make a list of stuff you want from the website, then bring it into the store and we can get it for you.  Just ask at the counter if you need help finding something.

Wed   11-5
Thurs 11-5
Fri      11-7
Sat     11-7

CLOSED Sunday thru Tuesday
if you are in town during closed hours message or call ahead - if we are in the shop filling orders we can open up for you!

We'll post holiday closings/special hours on Google & all our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram & Twitter), but if you're not sure or are driving a long way feel free to call, IM, or email first to make sure we'll be open. 


1-Find Lancaster PA on your map and locate Route 30 (just about the only big highway). 
      -Go there.
2-Exit at the Fruitville Pike exit. Look for the Red Rose Commons shopping center (home depot, sports authority, etc)
     -Travelling Rt 30 East (from York) the exit is 2 exits past Park City Mall, right after the Rt 283 merger.
     -Travelling Rt 30 West (from Philly) the exit is about a mile west of the Rt 222 merger.
3-Turn South on Fruitville Pike toward Lancaster City.
4-Go over a bridge into Lancaster City and the road becomes North Prince Street. Keep going straight.
5-At the 5th traffic light (I think) turn right onto West Orange Street (look for the parking garage, mini market and dry cleaners).
6-AYP is at 356 West Orange Street, 2 traffic lights on the left at the corner of Orange and Charlotte.
7-If you get lost call us at 717 397 6116.

We'll post holiday closings, but if you're not sure contact us first and/ or check our social media to be sure we'll be open.  We are closed all major holidays.
8-ALSO IMPORTANT! We close promptly at 5:00 pm on Wed & Thurs & 7 pm on Fri & Sat. Please plan ahead. If you are driving a long way and will not arrive to give yourself sufficient time to shop we WILL NOT stay open past closing time!  Fri/Sat we will close at 6:45 pm if no one is in the shop.

Please plan ahead & allow plenty of time to get here & to shop.